
To provide programs to enhance the cultural and social life of its members and maintain a suitable Clubhouse.


The University Club maintains a bond among its members, but also one with the community. Over the years, the Club has built a tradition on giving the residents of the New River Valley a place to:

  • Socialize and network

  • Coordinate community projects

  • Gather for meetings

  • Share their gifts and talents

  • Sponsor cultural events

The Club and its members extend themselves into the community by supporting a variety of civic projects. Additionally, the Club sponsors cultural events such as art shows and concerts.

Our History, Rich in Tradition

The University Club was established in 1925 by a handful of Virginia Tech faculty members. In December of that year the first set of officers and board members were elected and the concept of the University Club came to life. Since the founding, the membership has included Nobel Prize winners, university presidents, corporate and civic leaders, and distinguished artists and professors.

In June 1929, construction began on the former clubhouse located on Otey Street on the 2,000 acre Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. The 8,773-square-foot clubhouse provided a place for members to gather for social events; for community members to host events such as weddings and other celebrations; and for Virginia Tech affiliated Club members to reside.

While the University Club owned the clubhouse building, we had been leasing the land from Virginia Tech since its construction in 1929. In December 2017, the clubhouse was purchased by the Virginia Tech Foundation. The university has since demolished the building and plans to use the space for their new Creativity and Innovation District.

Our Future

We have found, through this time of transition, that the Club is the members, not the clubhouse. Our bond remains strong as we continue to meet and socialize at various locations around Blacksburg. We are searching for a new clubhouse location to once again be able to provide a gathering place for Club events, a space to host community celebrations, and housing for Club members.

We look forward to continuing the time-honored tradition of the University Club for decades to come, and we invite you to join us.

Be a Part of the University Club Tradition